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Professional structural design (Steel) Online course in Bangladesh by TeklaBD


TeklaBD Training Institute

Professional structural design (Steel)

Online Course Outline

Class nos – 29 (2 class per week)

Course duration- 2 month

Course Fee – 10,000 TK ( Ten thousand bd only)

 Class-1: Start

         1. Component of Steel Structure
         2. Initial frame system of steel building
         3. Moment vs shear connection Basic
         4. Bracing and its need.
             Rec-1: Steel vs RCC structure

Class-2: Dead Load
        1. Definition & details

        2.Unit weight calculation for dead load

Class-3: Gravity Load
        1. Hand calculation for sheet, purlin
        2.Building Type and Importance factor
        3.Different height type & angle of slope calculation
           Rec-02: Different type of dead load and live load

Class-4: Live load & Wind load
        1. Minimum live load for different type of roof (pitched,arched etc.)
        2.Wind effect of building enclosure type
        3.Low rise building classification
        4.Surface roughness & Exposure category

Class-5: Wind load & Occupancy Category
        1.Wind pressure for MWFRS
Kd, Kzt and Kz
         3.Internal pressure
            Rec -03: Topographic Factor

lass-6: Wind load calculation
        2.Windward & Leeward roof
        3.GCpf for different zone
           Rec-04: Enclosure Type Explanation

lass-7: Seismic Load
        1. Base shear for Earthquake
        2.Seismic Weight
        3.Seismic zone and BNBC
        4. Spectral Response Acceleration, Time Limit


Class-08: Earthquake
       1. Site Class
       2.Time period
       3. Response Modification factor for Frame System of building
       4.Building frame type for steel
       5.Sesismic Design Category
       6.OMF criteria according to ASCE 7-05

lass-09: Staad
        1.Node, axis, Transitional repeat & other command
        2.Cursor type & some shortcuts
        3. Main frame generation

Class-10: Staad

         1.Strud member & view
         2.Bracing & slenderness ratio
         3.Bracing apply rule

Class-11: Staad
        1.Property assign & beta angle
        2.Tappered Section

lass-12: Staad
        1.Support assign & Support type
        2.Specification: Tension,Moment release, Diaphram {multistoried}

lass-13: Staad: Load definition
        1.Reference load & seismic Load
        2.Load create & apply on member

lass-14: Staad: Load case details
        1.Seismic load apply on different axis
        2.Wind load calculate, create and apply on different zone of building

lass-15: Staad: load case details
        1. Roof wind load zone understanding & apply

lass-16: Load case details
        1. Shortcut wind load case apply via Staad editor

lass-17: Load combination
        1. Manual combination
        2. Shortcut Via staad editor
        3.Some error solving on staad editor
        4.Vertical seismic load


Class-18: Design parameter
        1. CB
        2. Lz, Ly understanding
        3. Steel grade

Class-19: Design parameter
        1.Main, Tmain, STP, UNT, UNB etc.
        2.Bypass slenderness ratio, check code, Steel take off
        3.Failed member checking

Class-20: Serviceability check
        1.member utilization ratio
        2.Post design member modification
        3.Member load & moment capacity
        4. Serviceability check
        5.Sway check

Class-21: Purlin & Anchor bolt design, Shear key basic

Class-22: Multistoried design considering seismically compact criteria
        1. Model creation with RCC grade beam & column
        2. Sub beam creation

Class-23: Seismic part for multistoried
        1.Site class, Seismic design category of building
        2.Seismically compactness of member
        3. Frame system of building for multistoried
        4.Properties assign

Class-24: Modeling in staad
        1. Support
        2.Specification, Steel RCC joint moment release
        4.Load assign for slab using both range and UDL on sub beam

Class-25: Load assign for multistoried
       1. Wall load assign
       2.Live load assign according to BNBC
       3.Seismic criteria

Class-26: Wind Load & Load combination
        1.Auto wind load case creation
        2.Load combination
       3.Staad editor editing

Class-27: Design parameter
       1. Multistoried design parameter
       2. KL/r bypass for sub beam
       3.Ly, Lz

Class-28: Checking
        1. Story drift for seismic
        2. Story drift & height
        3. Staad pro deflection vs actual{manual}
        4.staad editor or command to get story drift

Class-29 & 30: Some might be recorded
        1. Details about seismically compact
        2.Post analysis of design
        3. Compact, seismically compact, IMF, SMF & steel grade
        4.BEAM column moment ratio check for smf
        5.SCBF & OCBF bracing rules according to BNBC
        6.Conclution on Seismically compact
        7.Sub beam deflection check


  Contact : WhatsApp- 01646926963




  Instructor : Engr Md. Tanvir Ahmed

                      B.Sc in civil engineering (SUB)

                     TeklaBD Training Institute.


  Advisor : Engr Md. Wasimul Bary

                   B.Sc in civil engineering

                   TeklaBD Training Institute.


  Founder : Engr. Maidul

                     B.Sc in Civil engineering (EUB)

                     TeklaBD Training Institute.



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